Mike Schuchard
Schuchard Capital Management
Mike was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, attending both Oakland University and the University of Michigan, graduating from the latter with a Bachelors in Business Administration degree in Accounting and Finance in 1976.
After five years with the Big Eight accounting firm Coopers & Lybrand, where, in 1978, Mike received his Certificate in Public Accounting (CPA) designation, four years as a stockbroker with the investment firm, Kidder, Peabody & Co., and a short stint with the Boston-based investment advisory firm, the Harbor Group, Mike formed his own company, Schuchard Capital Management, on January 1, 1986.
The concept behind Schuchard Capital Management is to provide unbiased investment advice by charging clients a straightforward investment advisory fee, while eliminating any other form of compensation such as commissions or hidden revenue sharing arrangements from any of the investments used.
When not advising clients, Mike enjoys spending time with family, researching music, and coaching high school golf in Detroit.